The summer is rapidly coming to an end and the beaches are emptying. Offically it will all end on the 8th September when the bar and cafe at the beach close.
For us the summer started on a high note with Pam’s 60 birthday party. From chilly evenings of early June we moved into a couple of hot and humid weeks passing afternoons on the beach and evenings lying in bed wondering why we hadn’t gone for air conditioning. We had friends to stay. Jeremy and Juliet arrived in their convertible and for the first time in my life I could drive to the beach with the wind flowing through my hair or at least across the scalp. Bill’s nephew Michael, wife Alison and son Connor came for the third year running and for third year running spent their days on the beach.

A hit on the food front this summer was “tomato and watermelon soup” eaten in “Il Giardino” restaurant. Tasty and refreshing all at once. I tried my hand at “Pear and Gorgonzola Risotto” as cooked by Elizabeth of Carbernardi – her version is still better than mine. And finally made a summer pudding from frozen fruits which was a great success.
Lots of eating out over the summer with Italians (at the restaurant La Bella e La Bestia in Fano with Robera, Francesco, Federica and Roberto where the highligh was Federica and Roberto telling us they were getting married in September and that we were on the guest list); English speakers (the Asentes, the Roscoes, the Cobbs, the Higginsons, the Caseys, the Woods) or Italian/English speaking mixes (Alba, Giancarlo and Michi”, Sanzio and Rosanna providing the Italian side of the table.)
As I always forget to take my camera to dinner I am primarily relying on Alba for the pictures of a couple of pleasant evenings illustrating that a good time was had by all.