San Giorgio is now operating its “differentiated rubbish collection”. After a few months delay the new system started in August. The first day there were only a few bins left out on the street as it was still possible to throw rubbish into old bins used in the previous system. Within a few days the old bins were removed and now the night before collection the street became lined with plastic bins. So far the system seems to be working well although it would be difficult if one lived in a small flat as to operate the system there are 4 bins plus 2 sacks.
The new italian words to help understand the system are:
umido i.e. humid and in this case used for waste food.
carte i.e.paper
vetro i.e. glass
metallo i.e. tin cans etc. – put in a red sack.
plastica i.e. plastic bottles etc. – put in a yellow sack.
secco i.e. dry – used for things that do not go under the other headings.