This is our dentist, Mr Maleki. He is German but married an Italian and so lives and works just outside Fano. He moved to a new surgery last year and it has all the latest equipment. Both he and his staff are vey friendly and everyone arriving is treated as a friend. They always phone the day before to make sure you haven’t forgotten the appointment. The choice of magazines in the waiting room are the latest copies of Vanity Fair, Architectural Digest and Autos – no 2 year old copies of Cosmopolitan or Punch here.
Bill has got nicer teeth than me. However, everytime we go for a check-up they seem to find a problem with his teeth. Yesterday Bill finished his latest treatment – a couple of caps – and is now well on his way to having a perfect set of teeth. According to the dentist some more treatment will be needed in the future and then the Holywood smile will be complete.
Before we paid Mr Maleki came out to say goodbye and to thank us for being such good patients – always on time, always pleasant to speak to etc. We really appreciated his comments as they are all true. However, it didn’t make paying the bill any sweeter.