Tennis at Fossombrone


A few months ago Michael from Tavernelle asked if either of us played tennis. Bill said that I used to play and would be happy to give Michael a game. The last time I played tennis the rackets were of wood and you could only wear whites on the court.

However, Michael and I agreed to play a trial game and arranged to to to the Tennis Circle at Fossombrone, a town not too far away.

We haven’t looked back. Fortunately we are about the same level and each match is a hard fought contest as the loser buys the coffee and brioche afterward in the “sport cafe” next door to the courts. A tennis commentator would probably say that more points are won on “unforced errors” than on “winning shots” but it is still great fun.

There are 4 courts in the tennis circle – 3 clay and 1 synthetic. One clay court is permanently covered and in the winter the synthetic court is also covered. This means on a Thursday morning from 9.00 to 10.00, whatever the weather, we are playing tennis, the balls literally whistling across the net.

In fact we are now members of the Circle. 40 euros a year and it gives you half price on hiring the court – if we play 20 times we will have got our money back. Another benefit of joining is that you even have an opportunity to go to the Tennis Circle’s annual dinner dance. We have passed for this year.

p.s. our games are more exciting than the photo – honestly.

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