How you know when you are getting old!


You know you are getting old when not much post arrives for you but when it does it’s an invitation to take part in a colon cancer screening programme. This programme on the prevention of colon cancer is being offered to all men and women from 50 to 69 in the Marche.

You are getting old when you have to go to a chiropidist to get your feet looked at. It Italy it is more complicated as you can go to either a Callista or a Podologo. The callista looks at things such as corns and bunions, the podologo looks at the whole food. As I had some hardened skin on the sole of my foot I decided to go to a podologo in Fano. She cut off the hard skin, charged me 20 euros and  suggested that after a bath I use a pumice stone on my foot. The last time I saw a pumice stone was in my granny’s bathroom – am I getting old?

One Response to “How you know when you are getting old!”

  1. Asente says:

    No, you’ve just have started late using the stone. Use it early and often to avoid the cutting!

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