Italian National Anthem.


One of the advantages of the copy of the Constitution sent by the mayor was that in the back were the words of the Italian National Anthem and some notes about its author, Goffredo Mameli. 

This has allowed Bill and I to start learning the words and so we can sing along when occasion demands. (We are even able to practice singing accompanied by music as the Conad Supermarket was giving out small booklets about the reunification of Italy and included in the pack were 16 songs from the period of unification including the National Anthem).

Watching the Italian equivalent of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” last week we discovered the interesting(?) fact the the Italian national anthem, known as “Inno di Mameli” (inno is the italian for anthem), is the only national anthem in the world which had the author’s name in the title.

Goffredo Mameli had a rather short life. He was born in 1827. In 1848 he lead a group of 300 volunteers in a rising against the Austrians who at that time controlled Milan. In 1849 he was at Rome where a Republic was proclaimed and Mameli was in the front line of the people attempting to repel an attack by French troops. On the 3rd June Mameli was wounded in the leg which became gangrenous and the leg was amputated. Unfortunately the infection had spread and on the 6 July he died, aged only 22.

Fratelli d’Italia,
L’Italia s’è desta;
Dell’elmo di Scipio
S’è cinta la testa.
Dov’è la Vittoria?
Le porga la chioma;
Ché schiava di Roma
Iddio la creò.
Stringiamoci a coorte!
Siam pronti alla morte;
Siam pronti alla morte;
L’Italia chiamò.
Brothers of Italy,
Italy has awoken,
With Scipio’s helmet
Binding her head.
Where is Victory?
Let her bow down,
For God has made her
Rome’s slave.
Let us join in cohort,
We are ready to die!
We are ready to die!
Italy has called!

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