After weeks of grey, cloudy, cold, miserable weather the sun has finally arrived. A strong anticyclone is covering most of Italy and they are predicting 2 weeks of warm spring like weather.
And so for the first time this year I was able to get out and potter in the garden. It almost had the feeling of coming out of hibernation. Walking across the field to speak to our neighbour Sanzio I noticed that the daisies and the creeping buttercups were already out in the fields. Sanzio (photo 2) was out pruning his fruit trees. Sanzio is our source of agricultural advice. His attitute to working in the garden is “piano, piano” i.e. slow and steady. He is incredibly systematic, finishing one job before going onto the next. When we first started to prune our olive trees Sanzio came across to show us how to do it. He said he would show us one tree. He started to clip A clip here and a clip there and he continued to clip steadily finishing 3 trees before he decided to hand over the secateurs.